Friday 3 May 2013

Surprising Sources of Hidden Sugar

1.  The breading on most packaged and restaurant foods contains sugar.
2.  Sugar (in the form of corn syrup and dehydrated molasses) is often added to hamburgers sold in restaurants to reduce meat shrinkage during cooking.
3.  Before salmon is canned, it is often glazed with a sugar solution.
4.  Many meat packers feed sugar to animals prior to slaughter to “improve” flavor and color of cured meat.
5.  Some fast-food restaurants sell poultry that has been injected with a sugar or honey solution.
6.  Some salt contains sugar! Seriously.
7.  Sugar is used in the processing of luncheon meats, bacon, and canned meats.
8.  Most bouillon cubes contain sugar (and usually MSG as well).
9.  Peanut butter tends to contain sugar.
10.  Dry cereals often contain high amounts of sugar.
11.  Almost half of the calories from commercial ketchup comes from sugar.
12.  More than 90 percent of the calories found in a can of cranberry sauce come from sugar.

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